Trivia Question: What is the other name for The Imperial Probe Droid? Trivia Question: What language are the words written on Darth Vader’s chest piece in? Trivia Question: Peter Mayhew played the part of who in the original Star Wars Trilogy? Trivia Question: What day is Wookiee Life Day? Trivia Question: When Leia first tells Han Solo that she loves him, what is his reply? Trivia Question: What is the largest annual podrace in the world? Trivia Question: What was the name of the planet that the clones were made on? Trivia Question: Who was the original commander of the Death Star? Trivia Question: What is the name of Boba Fett’s ship? Trivia Question: Count Dooku is also known as who? Trivia Question: Who are the masters of the Dark Side that want to rule the galaxy?

Trivia Question: What odds does C-3P0 give Han for successfully navigating the asteroid field? Trivia Question: What does AT-AT stand for? Trivia Question: Who kissed Leia first, Han or Luke? Trivia Question: What kind of trooper is introduced at the beginning of Rogue One? Trivia Question: Which species stole the plans to the death star? Trivia Question: Who played the part of Mace Windu? Trivia Question: What color is Mace Windu’s lightsaber?

Trivia Question: How many Dewbacks were in the original 1977 theatrical cut of the first Star Wars movies? Trivia Question: Which character is partially named after George Lucas’ son? Trivia Question: How many languages is C-3P0 fluent in? Trivia Question: What were Luke’s aunt and uncle’s jobs on Tatooine? Trivia Question: Jedi Council consists of how many members? Trivia Question: The X-wing fighter has how many engines?

Trivia Question: In Revenge of the Sith and Attack of the Clones, what color is Yoda’s lightsaber? Trivia Question: The planet Kashyyyk is home to who? Trivia Question: The young Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, becomes who in Star Wars? Trivia Question: What is the name of Han Solo’s ship? Have fun, and may the force be with you! Star Wars Trivia Questions Consider yourself a Star Wars fanatic? Put your smarts to the test with these Star Wars trivia questions! Perfect to play on a night in with family or friends, or simply to read through and quiz yourself.